
This church affirms marriage as a covenant of fidelity—a public, lifelong commitment between two people in a personal and sexual union. For us this means more than the historical view between woman and man, but to acknowledge and welcome the diversity of gender and sexual identity.

God, the source of all love, is active in all marriages, offering encouragement, forgiveness, healing and blessing. Two spouses bear the primary responsibility for living out their vows and in recognizing God’s activity in their relationship.

The church’s supportive role is expressed through community, prayer, worship and pastoral care.  We seek a humble mindset toward others. This church is called to confession and repentance. We leave the judgement of other people’s salvation and our own to God. We live by faith and grace rather than by fear.

Living faithfully means trusting in God’s grace boldly. We are yearning to see how God will be active in our future, and how God will use us as agents of reconciliation for all of creation through the gift of love.

Sources for additional reference:

2009 ELCA Social Statement on Human Sexuality: Gift and Trust
2011 ELCIC Social Statement on Human Sexuality.