Lent Soup Suppers

Lenten Soup Suppers and Evening Prayer We will be celebrating Lent with Wednesday evening soup suppers and evening prayer at St. Andrew's.  We will have dinner at 6:00 pm in Meyer Hall and Evening Prayer will begin at 7:00 pm in our sanctuary. Schedule for Midweek...

Tour of First Step for Families

Tour of First Step for Families March 30th 2-3pm The congregation of St. Andrew's is invited to tour the facilities at First Step for Families. First Step for Families provides emergency and transitional housing for homeless families. Currently 39 families live at...

Our new Little Free Library has arrived!

Our new Little Free Library has arrived!

This Library belongs to everyone!  Please take a book.  When you're finished with a book, you may pass it along to a friend or return it to this Library or any other Little Free Library.  Feel free to leave books to share with others. Special thanks to Steve Group and...

Summer Day Camp, July 25-29

Hope Lutheran and St. Andrew's Lutheran Church present: Who: Preschool (age 4+) to 6th grade Where: Hope Lutheran Church, 600 42nd Ave., San Mateo CA 94403 When: Monday to Thursday, 9am-3pm (Preschool and Kindergarten participants can choose to attend 9am-noon each...


SAN MATEO, CA, JUNE 14, 2016 - When gun violence and hate crimes erase innocent lives, when homophobia, racism, and islamophobia plague our world, we are reminded to come together, to grieve, and to re-dedicate ourselves to inclusivity and love, to non-violence and...